Welcome to the blog!
I am Dr. Jackie Joy and I am changing the game for your motherhood journey from preconception all the way to postpartum.
My passion is helping women in their twenties and thirties who are feeling disillusioned and detached as they navigate fertility struggles and new motherhood to embrace intuition and joy as they unlock their feminine power to conceive, grow, birth, and nurture a baby while honoring and nurturing themselves in the process.
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My 54-hour labor and home birth story: Part 1
On November 21, 2022, I gave birth to a 9-lb, posterior-positioned baby boy after 54 hours in labor, including 3 hours of pushing. This is my unplanned home birth story.
Bloated and constipated around the holidays? A pelvic floor perspective on better bowel movements from Thanksgiving to New Years
Don’t let bad poops ruin Christmas! Did you know that constipation can be a cause or contributor to all KINDS of things like pelvic floor tension, painful intercourse, painful periods, hormonal imbalances, gut health problems, painful sex, anxiety, and much more?
Want to get pregnant? How to know the perfect timing for conception
Want to get pregnant? Timing sex during the fertile window is crucial to conceiving, yet SO many women are not able to accurately identify the fertile window. Learn more about the fertile window and how to optimize your chances of getting pregnant in this blog post.
Fun and Functional Fitness for New Moms: creative ways to exercise with your baby
If you’re postpartum and trying to get back to exercise, there are so many things that get in the way. It’s hard to exercise with a baby! Here are 3 creative ways to get a workout in with your baby that ALSO help your pelvic floor, core, and functional strength postpartum.