Fertility Coaching
Ready for some juicy support?
Ready for some juicy support?
Unlock your feminine power to conceive, grow, birth, and nurture a baby while honoring and nurturing yourself in the process.
Hey Mama-to-be!
I know your journey to motherhood hasn’t been what you had hoped- you thought as soon as you and your husband were “ready,” you’d just stop preventing pregnancy and see a positive test within a few months.
But now what has been a few months feels like years, and you’re concerned that you won’t get to be a mother in the way you envisioned.

I see your vision to start and grow a family and embody your higher calling as you nurture yourself AND your baby, and I want you to know that it is possible for you.
Like these mamas:
Kristen, went FROM having unbearably painful sex that kept her from engaging with her husband TO conceiving her first child 4 months later AND having pain-free sex that strengthened their relationship as they journeyed into parenthood together
Sarah, went FROM feeling frustrated that trying to conceive was taking so long, confused by complicated tracking methods and relationship stress from too much planned mechanical sex TO deeply understanding her body, embracing her intuition, letting go of the process and engaging with the divine timing of pregnancy– ultimately conceiving and carrying a healthy pregnancy 6 months later.
Anabelle FROM chronic pelvic pain, horrible periods, and being unable to have intercourse with her husband due to pain, TO not only had her first child, but healed her debilitating periods and low back pain in the process
Natalie, went FROM heartbroken, jaded, and fearfully manipulating every detail of her life to prevent another miscarriage TO embracing the uncertainty of her next pregnancy with confidence, peace, and surrender AND giving birth to a baby girl 1 year later.
Guess what... you can have that too!
Guess what... you can have that too!
Let me guess –
You’ve always known how to succeed in school and work
(hello little-miss-all-As)-- just work harder, right? And if you aren’t pregnant yet, there must be SOMETHING you could be doing more perfectly.
So you try everything you’ve seen on Instagram and Wellness-Tok to “fix” your hormones and everything that could be possibly “unhealthy” about your lifestyle
None of which seems to be creating any meaningful change…
So despite doing everything “right,” you are starting to think your body has betrayed you, and that fertility treatments might be your ONLY option.
And even though you’re not against fertility treatments if it has to come to that… if you’re really honest with yourself…
you’re having trouble TRUSTING that you’ll have the vision for your family that you’ve dreamed of since you played house with your stuffed animals as a 5 year old.
This leaves you feeling:
Detached from yourself as your whole life begins to revolve around your attempts to get pregnant
Disconnected from your friends (who all got pregnant seemingly SO easily)
And disillusioned with your body because damn, why isn’t it doing the ONE thing you’ve always been told it knows how to do?

The truth is… there’s nothing wrong with you, and your body isn’t failing you.
I know that this process can be disheartening and downright exhausting.
I’ve been where you are!
But there is hope and I can help!

My name is Dr. Jackie Roelofs
I am a fertility coach and New Orleans-based pelvic floor physical therapist changing the game for your motherhood journey from preconception all the way to postpartum.
My passion is helping women in their twenties and thirties who are feeling disillusioned and detached as they navigate fertility struggles and new motherhood to embrace intuition and joy as they unlock their feminine power to conceive, grow, birth, and nurture a baby while honoring and nurturing themselves in the process.
Jackie is phenomenal! Every woman should work with her.!
“Jackie listened and addressed the root issue and now we have a beautiful baby boy!”
“It is because of working with Jackie that I was able to get pregnant and now have my precious son.”
The rigid belief that you must double down on your efforts in order to get pregnant is tied to an achievement paradigm you internalized since childhood -
you believe that if you do all the right things, you will get the result you desire.
Except that you are NOT a science experiment, and following the rules to a tee, while it made you straight A’s and gets you pay raises, doesn’t work when it comes to fertility. (and, spoiler- even once you “achieve” pregnancy, this paradigm will follow you through to birth, postpartum, and all of motherhood.)
This concept is reinforced by a medical model that uses the terms “success” and “failure” to describe conception and fertility treatments while teaching us doctors know all and we can’t understand and trust our own bodies. This squelches our bodies’ intuitive feminine wisdom to grow, birth, and nurture a child. No WONDER you are frustrated!
The good news is…
there could be nothing more beautifully, divinely feminine and freeing than embracing this season with an open heart WHILE working on making your body hospitable to pregnancy.
Rest assured, my friend, that you are already kicking ass in the strategies you’ve been doing.
But what you ACTUALLY need to embody your feminine power to conceive and carry a pregnancy
Is a gentle approach that nurtures your body AND the juicy, fierce mama spirit within you
So that you can be fully ready to nourish and nurture that baby when you finally have her in your arms.
Everything you need to embody your purpose for motherhood is already within you - but to unlock it, you need support, mama.
I am here to help you nurture your body AND the juicy, fierce mama spirit within you.
My JUICY approach will help you go FROM feeling disillusioned and detached as you navigate fertility struggles and new motherhood TO embracing intuition and joy as you unlock your feminine power to conceive, grow, birth, and nurture a baby while honoring and nurturing yourself in the process.
stay connected to what brings you joy, savoring the life stage you are in now WHILE waiting with hopeful anticipation for the vision you have for your family and your life, so you can feel completely free to enjoy coffee dates with friends, traveling with your hubby, and navigating career decisions with alignment to your greater purpose and values
your body’s physiology so you have all the knowledge you need (and none that you DON’T- no more Google black holes!) to nourish your body with foods that support your body and growing baby, while also nourishing yourself with a juicy movement and exercise plan that honors your femininity, your baby, AND your badass goals so that you can have complete trust and confidence that you are doing everything you (and your baby) need and nothing you don’t.
Befriend and trust your body (and the Divine plan for your story) as you tap into the secret sauce for conception, birth, and nurturing a newborn baby - your intuition - through a trauma-informed, nurturing approach to physiological, emotional, and spiritual healing from the inside out, so you can navigate the inherent uncertainty of conception, pregnancy and birth, and find empowerment in the wisdom of your body’s design.
Get clear on on the most efficient plan for YOU (instead of wondering which Instagram tips are helping or not), know exactly when you are most fertile to increase your chances of getting pregnant, and eliminate barriers to intimacy such as pain, pressure, low libido, and un-sexy scheduling so you can optimize your fertility with ease WHILE staying connected to the people and things in life that bring you joy.
Nurture YOUR vision for motherhood while simultaneously tapping into who YOU are aside from any other identity so that you can embrace every step of your journey, grow through the process, and remain rooted in your own feminine power no matter what your path to motherhood looks like.
With the JUICY method, you can go:
✘ Deep diving into google black holes late at night, then stressing about how being on your phone before bed is going to affect your hormones
✘ Feeling trapped by the sense that drinking one glass of wine will put your dreams of pregnancy on hold until next cycle
✘ Fearing every “bad” food choice could cost you a positive pregnancy test this month , but never knowing what food choices are actually right for your body
✘ Stressfully striving to crack the code of optimal fertility with the perfect diet, exercise regimen, and sex schedule that leaves you canceling trips when you are ovulating and feeling trapped by an unsustainable lifestyle
TO instead:
Clarity on the best next steps for YOU, saving time to connect with your spouse, enjoy an afternoon at the pool reading your favorite chick-lit author’s new novel
Full freedom to embrace the good things in life (like enjoying a cocktail with friends at your favorite happy hour spot) without putting your life on hold until a baby is in your arms. Needs more specificity??
Unlocking a freeing approach to fertility-supporting nourishment that allows you to say a resounding YES to coffee dates with girlfriends, summer cookouts with your neighbors, and even an anniversary trip to Paris with your hubby
Learning to truly listen to your body’s movement cravings so you can keep spinning with Ally Love on peloton AND also enjoy gentler movement practices that honor your energy level and your conception strategy
…With a trauma-informed approach to full body healing.
Looking for support?
I reached out to Jackie after having 2 kids, fertility issues, and three lower abdominal surgeries. It felt so good to have someone take my concerns seriously and acknowledge all my body had been through and that I did need help repairing my body/systems. A very validating and healing experience overall! Jackie is easy to talk to and a gem of a provider...highly recommend!
Kathryn S
“Jackie listened and addressed the root issue and now we have a beautiful baby boy!”
“It is because of working with Jackie that I was able to get pregnant and now have my precious son.”
Trying to conceive shouldn’t be a mystery.
I designed the ultimate FREE Juicy Guide to Understanding Your Fertility just for you!
You deserve the juiciest support
You deserve the juiciest support
Other ways I can Help!
Empowered Pregnancy & Birth Prep
For the soon-to-be mamas who want to go into their birth feeling completely empowered in their body as they bring their new babe earthside.
Embodied Postpartum Care
For any mama who is feeling the aftereffects of birthing their babe and wants to get back to feeling at home in their body.