Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain
Go FROM the emotional and physical overwhelm of endometriosis and severe period pain TO feeling fully supported, fully empowered in your body, and fully free to embrace a life full of joyful connection to your body, yourself, your partner, and your higher purpose on this planet.
Is this you?
You are an active, healthy lady who loves to travel with your hubby, hike with your gal pals, and host porch parties for the friend group on Saturday nights
You have an amazing career you love, a trip to Italy booked next summer, a half marathon to train for, and plans to start a family one day,
…you are really feeling the thirty (ish), flirty, and thriving energy…
But there’s just one problem… those 2 days a month when your period shows up with a vengeance and turns you into a shadow of your normal self.
Does this sound like you?
𝙓 Your periods are so bad you have to skip work 1-2 days per month,
𝙓 your weekend plans quickly turn from brunch with your BFF to an all-day date with your heating pad
𝙓 You wouldn’t dare leave the house without carrying a bottle of ibuprofen in your purse when your period comes
𝙓 You have days or even weeks of severe bloating, mood swings, and breast tenderness that make you wish your period would just START already so you could get this over with
𝙓 You’ve been prescribed birth control pills by your OBGYN for years to “treat” the pain, but it doesn’t seem to be helping that much, and you're sick of the side effects
𝙓 Even though you’ve always been active and taken great care of your body, you haven’t been able to shake your low back pain even with PT, chiropractic, and all the foam rolling
𝙓 You’re thinking about starting a family in the near future but you’re starting to wonder how your current period problems will impact your fertility, your ability to carry a pregnancy, and how you could possibly run around after your future kids when you are struggling so much already.

And now maybe your feeling:
𝙓 Tired of being prescribe birth control pills for period irregularity and pain that has you skipping work and school?
𝙓 Relieved that you finally got a diagnosis to explain your symptoms, then quickly disillusioned that you’ve been given no guidance on how to heal and live your life again?
𝙓 Terrified about what your endometriosis diagnosis means for your future fertility (or maybe you are on the phone with the fertility clinic as you read this!)
𝙓 And deep down… maybe you’re even feeling betrayed by your body and hopeless that things will ever get back to “normal.”

If that’s you, I also suspect that you’ve probably been to tons of doctors, taken medications, and even had surgery that you thought would heal you - and you’re feeling really exhausted just trying to do the basics in your life.
If you have a diagnosis of endometriosis or even suspect it, healing is possible for you. And not only is it possible, it doesn’t have to hold you back from the things you most desire in life.
You’d absolutely love it if you could:
Start training again for that half marathon you planned to run last year
Show up to work energized and confident in your giftedness and your purpose on the planet
Plan an overseas trip without worrying about it falling on the same week as your period
Feel full confidence in your fertility and freedom to try for pregnancy
But after multiple doctors’ appointments where you felt invalidated, prescriptions that seem to have worse side effects than the problem itself, and google self-help black holes that leave you more confused than ever about the best path to healing, you are starting to feel like you just need to accept that you’ll always have to live with pain.
I know that you are starting to feel helpless, and I’ve been there myself. Endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain can start to wear away at the very essence of you, but I want you to know that it’s absolutely possible to heal and live your life to the fullest as the joyful, beautiful human you are.

Hey I’m Dr. Jackie Roelofs, a pelvic floor physical therapist and certified women’s hormone health coach, and I help women like you with endometriosis and pelvic pain go FROM feeling betrayed by your body and held back by pain TO an active, joyful life full of connection to your body, your purpose, your partner, and your community.
I wonder if my story is anything like yours…
As an active, athletic female who loved to play sports for fun, rollerblade in the park, bike to the farmers’ market, and train for half marathons, I found myself in my mid-twenties struggling through 3 years of debilitating back pain that left me barely able to walk one mile, unrelenting pelvic pain that intensified with my menstrual cycle, and period cramps that put me in the fetal position for hours on end.
I started to feel like a shell of my former self - saying no to weddings of dear friends, skipping out on weekend hikes, and losing special times of connection with my husband because I couldn’t run with him anymore. That wasn’t me at ALL.
I had tried to “regulate” my hormones with birth control at the recommendation of multiple OBGYNs - which did NOT work - was finally diagnosed with endometriosis after being told my symptoms were “normal” by multiple doctors.
Even after undergoing excision surgery - which is currently the “gold standard” medical treatment for endo- I still dealt with pelvic pain, severe bloating, inflammation, and fatigue.
So if you’re feeling pretty hopeless - please know that I was too.
I knew there was something missing and there had to be a better way - so I set out to learn all the secrets to truly healing my body.
And guess what? My body had the resources to heal all along. Even though endometriosis is considered “uncurable,” I consider myself healed - I say YES to everything I want to do, I schedule trips without fear, I exercise in ways that nourish my body and fulfill my craving for a physical challenge, I have a career I love and even a baby boy. I am physically AND emotionally stronger than ever before and I live my life pain-free.
I’d love to help you do that too.
When you are dealing with chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis, you may have tried birth control, seen countless specialty doctors, and even had surgery to get a definite diagnosis. But what happens when you are constantly gaslighted or receive interventions that don’t truly heal you from the root source, you may start to believe that you are broken and need someone or something to “fix” you. The truth is, your body may feel broken, but it’s actually fighting for you, and it has amazing resources to heal you from within. You aren’t broken and you aren’t alone…
What you actually need to heal from endo is to reclaim the power that your pain has taken from you. You need an integrative, trauma-informed approach to healing endometriosis that considers your personal story, your hormones, your pelvic floor, AND how your emotions impact your pain cycles, so you can free yourself from the sense that your body has betrayed you and discover the amazing power you have to heal yourself (with the right guidance, of course!)
All the resources you need to heal are ALREADY within you - and I am here to help you discover it.
That’s exactly why I help women like you with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain rediscover a juicy connection with their bodies and heal from the inside out, so you can:
enjoy the activities that bring you joy
pursue a career that you love
and start a family when the time is right for you
“I was dealing with crippling sciatic nerve pain in my legs for two years. I thought it had something to do with my period because my periods were also incredibly painful and sometimes that pain overlapped. I saw several doctors and various tests were done, but everything was coming back normal. My OBGYN thought it might be endometriosis, so I was put on birth control (which was a rather terrible experience). That was the only option I was given and I was miserable. Because I was still experiencing bad period symptoms, sciatic pain, and a whole host of birth control related symptoms, I decided to try to find something else. Though I greatly respect and appreciate the doctors I saw, I was not convinced that birth control was the answer for me because nothing in my body seemed to respond the way it was "supposed to.
Jackie helped me learn to listen to what my body needs. I haven't had pain in months--which is so freeing and also incredible for my marriage. She's also helped me learn what a healthy period looks like. I feel like I cannot adequately describe the difference Jackie has made in my life. I have learned so much about my body, haven’t had pain in months, and I can now live life without fear of pain--and I know what to do if that pain should arise! I am sincerely greatly for Jackie's guidance and knowledge. “My husband even said he has noticed my whole mental state change.”
“We planned a trip to Ireland and I didn’t give a second thought about if my body could handle it - I am not longer planning my life around my pain!”
“Before working with Jackie I was experiencing intense period pain, low back pain, and hip pain. We worked together to gain more body awareness and how to prep for my period to have less pain. Jackie taught me a better mindset going into my period and gave me tools and exercises that helped my body and provided relief. I have had way less pain in the first few days - I no longer rely on my heating pad or medicine when my period comes and feel so much healthier overall! Jackie actually took time to listen to my needs and just spent time talking with me until all my questions were answered.”
“Before working with Jackie, I had extreme period pain that left me in fear. I was not able to show uyp for myself at work, and had to get up and leave social gatherings when the pain hit. I also had limited hip flexibility that impacted my workouts. I had seen PTs for years before coming to see Dr. Jackie.
Now, my pain doesn’t disrupt my life, my work, or my fitness goals. Jackie taught me knowledge of my cycle and my body. I understand how to engage AND relax my body, and I now know what my body goes through during my menstrual cycle. This may sound crazy, but now I do not accept pain in my body as “just how it is.” I am committed to taking care of my physical self. Even 12 months after we worked together, my pain is gone and I have gotten so much stronger physically.”
I can help you go FROM:
✘ Teary breakdowns on family vacations when you’re in so much pain you can’t enjoy yourself
✘ Canceling plans with your besties at the last minute because your period showed up
✘ Skipping work (or miserably muscling through it) the first two days of your period because you can’t get out of bed
✘ Fear of planning for a family because you are worried how your period problems will impact your fertility
TO instead:
Leading the way on the family hike on your trip to the mountains, EVEN when you’re on your period
Planning girl trips, brunch dates, and an anniversary cruise with your hubby with full confidence you will be able to fully enjoy yourself regardless of where you are in your cycle
Leaving the bottle of ibuprofen at home when you show up to work on your period
Getting excited about trying to conceive because you know exactly how to support your fertility and how to care for yourself during pregnancy
All of this and more is 100% possible for you, too.
And don’t worry if you think it will be overwhelming. There are simple solutions that can work for your lifestyle to eliminate symptoms, feel at home in your body again, and YES, make babies when you are ready.
My integrative, simplified approach to endometriosis, period pain, the pelvic floor, and whole body healing will allow you to:
heal from within so you can embrace the what brings you joy- whether that’s:
traveling to Europe next summer
or training for a 10K
And reach your goals, whether that’s:
starting a business
or starting a family
all while living a pain-free life with joy, freedom, and connection to your purpose on this planet.
Things I Can Help You With

Step 1: Connect
Book an introductory call to identify your top problems, where you want to go, and what’s stopping you from getting there.
Step 2: Build Your Strategy
Get clear on the next steps and the program that is right for you.
Step 3: Enroll in Your Program
We will discuss what programs are the right fit for you and you will collaborate on an execution plan together!